Should I Dwell On My Inner Feelings In Personal Essay Or Write About Broader Topics
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Development of The Effective Strategy Of Philanthropy Expansion
Question: Discuss about the Development Of The Effective Strategy Of Philanthropy Expansion In The Usa? Answer: Introduction Philanthropy or frequently termed as humanitarianism refers to the development of the individuals and the institutions globally (Gautier Pachech, 2015). This humanitarianism has opted for addressing the global issues that everyone is facing nowadays. Earlier, this generosity was achieved by the donations, made by the wealthy beings; however, today it also includes the skills, technical knowledge, and will, to serve for the benefit of the society (Galaskiewicz, 2013). It does not only reside in the intellect of the retired people, but youngsters also participate in these activities at their will. There are enormous numbers of non-profit institutes all over the world in which the USA ranked 9th in the charitable activities (Allen Seaman, 2013). Every year the percentage of the donations in these activities are increasing. Taken as an example the good amount increases to 7.1% in the year 2014 compared to 2013 (Chatterjee Finger (2014) Thus focusing on the importance of the philanthropy, it helps in the enhancement of the moral consensus of every individual and for the prevention of the social complications. It is very much alike to charity. The aim of philanthropy is to curb the cause of the problem rather than solving the consequences caused due to that problem, which is the goal of charity (Muller et al., 2014). In this report, the researcher highlights the problem, purpose and some questions regarding global philanthropy. Furthermore, the analysis comprises the data collection strategies, ethical issues regarding the collection, selection of target groups and examining whether they have willingly allowed the researcher for the research or demanded any compensation. Minimizing the coercion and maintaining their privacy is the proceeded step mentioned in this paper. Research Aim The goal of this research is to perceive some strategies for successful philanthropy expansion globally and the benefits of adopting those policies. Primary Problem for Research The prime complication regarding report is to develop the situation of the needed person. Not every being in this world is gifted with a luxurious life. Even there are some counties where the minimum luxury materials are also not available to them. The prime reason behind this is they could not afford that affluence. Some volunteers targeted this circumstance hence by making some donations for these people to bring required enhancement to their livelihood. These volunteers are the employed persons, who earn an appropriate amount of salary. People serving for regular wages are not capable of donation; hence targeting person with an average wage can help the needed person after fulfilling their requirements. Research Purpose The primary objective of this study is to resolve the issues raised by the pitfalls of the weakened philanthropy strategies. Through this research assignment, the researcher enlightens not only the help seekers present in the society but also proposes a way to the importance of their general assistance to these groups for the betterment of their well-being in the future. Another objective to undertake the assignment was to provoke the motif of concern, regarding the advancement of the society so that in future they could live with prosperity. The intention behind that is to put forward the awareness for the selflessness of the common being. Research Questions Q1. What are the most effective strategies for the expansion of the global philanthropy? Q2. What is the advantage of the global philanthropic activities? Q3. What are the possible conditions for the improvement of these charitable activities? Significance of the research In this world where there are several problem evolving on the daily basis, to solve most of the problems effectively, it requires some volunteers to hold the hands of the needy persons. Consequently, the researcher brings out the significance of the survey by highlighting the aspects for the different target groups on how they suffer and how the philanthropist could help them out of their dilemma (Tilcsik Marquis 2013). The significance also relies on the importance of the ethical consideration while researching on them and analyzes their condition by gathering some data (Aguinis Vandenberg 2014). Not everyone is comfortable with the analyzing process, while the data collection process for designing a statistics as may think this is something, which hampers his or her privacy. So, to propose an approach for maintaining their confidentiality and to diminish their problematic situation, the researcher depicts a view regarding that. Research Review In this section, the researcher will analyze the different strategies adopted for collecting data that aligns with the undertaken problems and the various target groups on which the research can focus. The researcher focused the employed groups of the societies, who willingly donate some portion of their income for charitable tasks for the betterment of their society and the prosperity of the needy people. Data Collection Strategy Research project needs some data on which the research process is performed. It requires the positive aspect regarding the data and a suitable approach for collecting those data (Beukenhorst Kerssemakers 2012). Primary and secondary methods accomplish the collection of data. Primarily the data is gathered from the research field by hosting some questioners, by direct communications like conducting an interview to capture a scenario on how they are willingly participating in the donation programs. Another aspect is to collect the data by the secondary approach; that comprises the collection of statistics from published journals, governing websites or by communicating with the philanthropists themselves (Lewis, 2015). Data can further be classified in two ways- quantitative and qualitative. The data that can be measured or calculated in numbers are termed as quantitative data, and those data that cannot be achieved in numbers and judged on the characteristics are termed as qualitative data. For this research, the analyst collected the data by conducting the survey to the employed personals from different countries. Alignment of the problem of the target group with the development of the active global philanthropy The highlighted aspect of this research study is the contribution of the capital wages from their earning wage that the selected volunteers willfully donate for the betterment of the society (Andreoni Payne 2013). All over the world, many charitable organizations work to enhance the condition of the poor people. Charity work or the philanthropy not only helps to develop the countrys scenario by hiking the economic growth but it also flourishes more experience in the volunteers' nature that contributes to motivate their surrounding and neighborhoods. This procedure also comforted the volunteers by tax-reduction if they donated to the charities, which are IRS-approved. Another personal impact that can be considered by the volunteers is the advancement in their money management planning. They will not only learn to donate to needy person, but they will also get influenced for not wasting any money on unnecessary items (Winterich et al., 2013). Ethical issues regarding data collection Every research procedure follows some moral rules. These ethics should maintain to distinguish between what is correct and incorrect (Miller et al., (2012). These norms help to differentiate between the favorable and negative issues concerning the research process. Data Protection: According to the Data Protection Act 1998 it formulated a governing rule for not to disclose personal information of the respondents during any phase of the research process. It is the responsibility of the researcher to maintain accurate data lawfully. The data must be handled carefully and should not violate the data protection act. Honesty and integrity: The philanthropists must be honest regarding their work and to the groups they are working with. Having secure communication with then can add more values in their honesty (Richards (2014). Also, it is imperative to maintain the integrity by keeping their promises and preserve consistency in their actions (Murray Fairfield, (2014, May). Confidentiality: This is the most central section to follow. Volunteers should keep every detail and communication a secret. Another aspect to look into is whether the data that is stored in the system are protected by some unauthorized access or not. Adopting relevant system security applications can be chosen for an accomplishment of this ethic. Voluntary Consent: In research, voluntary consent means that the respondent's consent must collect all the relevant data. In this case, it is up to them whether they are consent or not consent to make any contribution regarding philanthropy. The researcher cannot force to make them offer their earnings. Biasness avoidance: To prevent false data regarding the research, it is very crucial to avoid biased thoughts of the researcher. To prevent the biasness, the researcher must follow some factors. These factors comprise of asking irreverent questions to the respondent. The researcher must avoid sentimental question to the defendant. Other target groups Apart from the employed groups, who contribute from their salaries, another target group can be the philanthropists themselves. Surveying them can clarify the concept of whether the money they received is enough for taking appropriate steps for making the lively hood of the needy persons. The volunteers themselves provide a clear view regarding the actual condition of the people for whom the philanthropy is aimed. Accessing their permission and the confliction regarding their interest Another matter to focus on is that whether the volunteers themselves are ready to disclose their findings for designing the exact statistics. If they provide unclear data, then it is impossible to make an exact scenario of how much help the needy community requires (O'Leary, 2013). Ethical issues concerning other target groups The ethical issues, in this case, are also the same concerning the previous section. Maintaining honesty and integrity with the openness of innovative ideas for the advancement are the main points to focus (Miller et al., (2012). However, the most crucial factor is to keep their data and the conversation a secret to other groups. As the local authorities are ultimately responsible for carrying out their need and will work for their betterment, it is the philanthropists responsibility to deliver accurate details of the statistics for the exact tracking of the development of the society. Data collection methodology used for research For this research, the data taken into consideration is the quantitative data. The researcher gathered those data by the primary approach. Hosting questionnaire sessions or interviews concerning their interest for donations are some fundamental approaches. It finally results in the economic growth of the country by helping other or minor communities. Conclusion From this whole research work about the development of the productive strategy of philanthropy expansion in the USA, the researcher concludes that the increasing rate of unemployment and poverty are two of the main reasons for the lower growth of the economy of the USA. Thus with the collaboration of the Government, the philanthropist bring the adverse circumstance of the target group into the light so that their condition can be improved. The respective process needs, not only their permission to collect the data regarding their experience so far but also needs some ethical issue for consideration. By fulfilling these questions, the whole process can be handled with efficiency. Lastly, the philanthropists can only hope for the better future for all of them- the unemployed youth, needy people and the country. References Aguinis, H., Vandenberg, R. J. (2014). An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure: Improving research quality before data collection.Annu. Rev. Organ. 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